Magnet UI


Alert messages can be used to notify the user about something special: danger, success, information or warning.

Basic Alerts

Use classes alert-primary, alert-secondary, alert-success, alert-danger or alert-warning for basic alerts.

This is a primary alert. Check it out!
This is a secondary alert. Check it out!
This is a success alert. Check it out!
This is a danger alert. Check it out!
This is a warning alert. Check it out!

Alerts with icons

Use classes alert-icon for icon alerts.

This is a primary alert. Check it out!
This is a success alert. Check it out!
This is a danger alert. Check it out!
This is a warning alert. Check it out!

Alerts with links

Use classes link-text for link alerts.

This is a primary alert. Check it out!
This is a secondary alert. Check it out!
This is a success alert. Check it out!
This is a danger alert. Check it out!
This is a warning alert. Check it out!